- Piping hot or ice cold water with the push of a button
- Easy load—put the bottle on with the cap in place—no spilling
- No need to search in the refrigerator!
- Black, white, or stainless steel to meet your existing décor
- An appliance that fits the kitchen, bedroom, workplace
- No one touches the water from its underground aquifer to your cup or glass
- The pushbutton to dispense water- very easy to wipe clean compared to faucets, coffee-makers, and refrigerator doors.
Here’s what to do:
A. If you want Berkshire Springs Water Service and you do not have a dispenser, you should rent or purchase a dispenser from us. See your options and prices below:

Black or White Hot ‘n Cold Top Loading cooler
Lease to own:
$50/for 5 mos.

Stainless steel Hot ‘n Cold Top Loading cooler
Lease to own:
$56/for 5 mos.

Bottom loading Hot ‘n Cold Cooler
Lease to own:
$65/for 5 mos.

Coffee-pod making Hot & old cooler
Lease to own:
$100/for 5 mos.

Ceramic crock dispenser & wooden stand
for $95.99
B. Select the size of spring water bottles you prefer:


Or contact one of our customer service representatives at (413) 229-6660.
We’ll help you figure out the best option for your family.
Flexible Discount Package Plans
After you’ve determined how many bottles a month you’ll need, you can take advantage of our Package Plans. Just sign up for annual service (a $50 termination fee to cancel early) for a rented cooler and an agreed number of bottles to be delivered every four weeks. You are on autopay, and your per bottle prices are significantly discounted**.

Package Plan pricing (with no cooler):
4, 6, and 10-bottle Water-Only Package Plans (no cooler rental) are available for $32.20, $47.25, and $76.10 respectively.

2 Bottle (Thrifty Plan) – $27.95 per month
Savings of $31.85 per year.
Cooler and 2 five-gallon bottles/4 weeks, after initial 3 bottles.
At end of each 4-week cycle (13 times a year) you will pay $27.95, plus any extra bottles taken or any net change in deposits.

4 Bottle Plan – $42.50 per month
Savings of $69.60 per year.
Cooler and 4 five-gallon bottles/4 weeks, after initial 5 bottles.
At end of each 4-week cycle (13 times a year) you will pay $42.50, plus any extra bottles taken or any net change in deposits.

6 Bottle (Thirsty Plan) – $56.25 per month
Most Popular
Savings of $119.40 per year.
Cooler and 6 five-gallon bottles/4 weeks, after initial 7 bottles.
At end of each 4-week cycle (13 times a year) you will pay $56.25, plus any extra bottles taken or any net change in deposits.

10 Bottle Plan – $81.20 per month
Savings of $261.60 per year.
Cooler and 10 five-gallon bottles/4 weeks, after 11 five-gallon bottles delivered initially.
At end of each 4-week cycle (13 times a year) you will pay $81.20, plus any extra bottles taken or any net change in deposits.
How Much Water Do I Need?
A family of 3 or 4 people will consume an average of 3-4 five-gallon bottles per four-week delivery. Seasonality plays a role, so people tend to consume more water in the summer than in the other seasons. Uses beyond just drinking, such as cooking, feeding pets, and making coffee can also add to consumption. For commercial customers, we generally recommend one bottle for every two employees to start.
Give us a call and we’ll help you determine how much water is right for you.
Or call one of our customer service representatives at (413) 229-6660.
*There is a fuel surcharge of $3.00/ delivery (delivery is once every four weeks, min. 2 bottles/delivery). There is a refundable $7/bottle deposit. You can stop service at any time with no penalty.
**You can take fewer bottles on any delivery, but are charged your regular price; you can take more bottles than your Package Plan at the standard $8.95 per extra bottle rate. All Package Plans give you one extra free bottle to start– allowing one extra bottle on the cooler so you can leave the exact number of empties out for replacement. Your initial payment includes a $7/bottle refundable deposit for all bottles, plus your regular Package Plan fee. Fuel surcharge of $3.00/delivery.